Got Maggots in your composter? Make a Maggot Moat!

If you've been struggling to control the population of Black Soldier Fly maggots in your composter, here's a great hack with step by step instructions for you!
What you will need
- A plastic tub (at least 4 inches height),
- A bucket of water,
- A cement block or a few tiles or a sturdy stool to place your composter.
Step 1
Find a spot to locate your composter - away from direct rain.
Step 2
Place the plastic tub a few inches away from the wall.
Step 3
Place the cement block/stool inside the plastic tub.
Step 4
Pour water into the tub till it is half-full.
Step 5
Place your composter on top of the block. Make sure it's well balanced and not on the edge.
Now, if the maggots crawl out of your composter, they will fall into the Moat you have just created.
Just scoop them up and put them under a tree or on your terrace. Birds love them!
Read more about these superheroes of composting here
This tip was originally shared by a customer! Mail us to share how this worked for you or reveal some of your composting hacks too!
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