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How cocopeat helps you compost easily, grow better and save time!

How cocopeat helps you compost easily, grow better and save time!

Whether you are a new plant-parent, a recent composting champion or an expert green thumb who's found more time for your garden over the last year - we have something here that might interest you. 

We all know that COVID-19 related lockdowns and work-from-home situations since 2020 have had a visible impact on the growth of home gardens (And yes - 1 potted plant on the work table also counts as a home garden!). And now as we slowly pick up the pieces to a post-COVID situation, we need to find a new cadence to our everyday life. We need tools that can help us do what we enjoyed and discovered; and yet be able to go back to old work routines.

Two of the most simple and powerful ways to connect with Nature are Composting at home and Gardening. And we have had so many people share with us how it has offered much relief and enjoyment to them, during these very challenging times. 

What we offer you today is the Daily Dump CocoBrick  - something handy and extremely useful that will help you save time and continue your composting and gardening routine with ease. Made from all-natural coconut fibre, this 650g CocoBrick expands upto 5 litres of cocopeat when completely dry. 

DIY cocopeat with CocoBrick

  • Place the CocoBrick in a 16 litre plastic bucket 
  • Add 3 litres of water to completely cover the CocoBrick
  • Let it soak for 3 hours. 
  • Slowly stir to loosen the fibres and allow it to expand fully. 
  • Now spread it out to dry in the sun for 6 hours. 
  • Store it in an airtight container

Watch this 1 minute video to learn how to make your own cocopeat

What is cocopeat?

Cocopeat is the dust and smaller pieces of fibre from coconut husk. It has high water retention capacity and is extremely light weight. 

Is cocopeat biodegradable?

Yes, since it comes from a natural source, coco peat is completely biodegradable over time. 

Is cocopeat, coco coir and coco pith the same? 

Yes they all refer to the same material. 

Advantages of cocopeat

  • 100% Organic 
  • High water holding capacity 
  • Light weight 
  • Promotes strong root growth and plant vigor
  • Increases shelf life of plants 
  • Odourless and easy to handle

How to use cocopeat for composting

  • Expand the CocoBrick by soaking in water and dry this cocopeat powder in the sun
  • Cocopeat should not be moist when added to the composter. 
  • Layer kitchen waste daily with 3-4 handfuls of Cocopeat Powder.
  • When using CocoBrick, add 1 tsp of Compost Microbes Powder daily to speed up the process. 

Benefits of using cocopeat for composting - Cocopeat is an absolute essential if you want to ensure smell-free composting at home. A great carbon source, cocopeat helps to balance the nitrogen from kitchen waste. It absorbs the excess moisture generated from vegetable peels and scraps - keeping the compost odour-free and easy to handle. 

How to use cocopeat in the garden

  • Expand the CocoBrick by soaking in water and dry this cocopeat powder in the sun
  • Mix cocopeat with soil and compost in equal proportions before using it to grow plants. 

Benefits of using cocopeat for gardening - Coco peat increases the porosity of the potting mix. This helps to keep the soil loose and airy, helping in better root growth. And in turn, this ensures better plant growth and higher yield. Coco peat also increases the water holding capacity of the potting mix. Being extremely lightweight it is a great ingredient for urban gardeners for use in balcony and terrace gardens. 

Microgreens are often grown directly in cocopeat. It is also a very handy medium for seed germination.

Take a look at these compact coir pots to grow your garden 

Have questions?

We are here to help! Give us a shout - WhatsApp 9916422440 or hello@dailydump.org 

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Stay Safe

Happy Composting! 

18 Jul 2021


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