Does a Home Composter take up too much Space? | Ask Daily Dump

Home Composting can fit all types of urban homes – cosy, compact and comfortable!
We show you how…
Our largest composter for homes takes up less than 1.5 sq feet of floor space; that’s just about the size of a bucket in your bathroom!
That isn’t much, is it?
Our composters are designed for urban living spaces so being compact is a prerequisite. We have units that can be stacked on top of each other. The whole stack can fit into a corner of your balcony, terrace or garden and blend in with the flower pots. Or it could occupy the corner outside your door or gate; wherever there is enough air flow.
Read how our composters keep out waste from landfills by circular design
What if I don’t have a balcony?
Do you have a spot outside your entrance door?
Or a corner in your parking spot?
You can use any of these spots. All your home composter needs is some airflow and warmth.
See these images for some inspiration!
Keep your home composter
👉🏼 Away from direct rain or sun
👉🏼 Safe from pets
👉🏼 On a flat surface in your terrace, balcony or an unused corner of your home
Our compost pots are designed to withstand a reasonable onslaught of natural elements. But exposure to direct rain is a strict no for your aerobic home compost bins. Excess water can make your compost wet and soggy. So protect your composter from direct rain. We have a raincoat ready for you or a DIY method too!
We are here to help
We can assist you in findin the best home compost bin from our range of home composters
Daily Dump is a brand, a service, a set of products and a way of life that we hope more and more people begin to subscribe to. Our customers are the real heroes, the agents of change here, creating a safer and a healthier environment, one compost bin at a time!
If you’d like to start composting at home too, email us. We deliver across India.
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Happy Composting! Stay Safe